Clinically active dental professional sought to edit PDJ

28 August, 2024 / infocus
 Will Peakin  

The College of General Dentistry (CGDent) is seeking a new editor for its Primary Dental Journal (PDJ).

The PDJ is the college’s quarterly peer-reviewed journal. Translating current evidence into best practice, the PDJ is unique in its dedication to primary dental care and is an indispensable and practical resource for general dentistry.

Within each annual volume, two-to-three themed editions offer readers a valuable update on an area of practice within general dental care, with one-to-two general issues covering a wide range of relevant and contemporary topics.

In partnership with one of the world’s leading journal publishers, each issue is printed and distributed to the College’s UK and international members and subscribers, indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus, and made available in more than 3,000 academic institutions worldwide.

As the PDJ approaches its 50th issue, its longstanding editor, Professor Igor Blum, will be standing down in 2025, and the College is now seeking a highly accomplished individual to succeed him.

The editor is the academic lead of the PDJ. They commission individual themes and papers, appoint guest editors, authors and peer reviewers, and act as decision maker in all editorial matters, giving final approval of all content and issues. They are also the public face, representative and main spokesperson for the PDJ, helping to ensure that it continues to be seen as a leading journal for primary dental care and that it fulfils its aims as well as those of the College.

The ideal candidate for the role will be a clinically active dental professional who is qualified to consultant level and has experience encompassing primary care, secondary care and academia. A full person specification and role description is available below:

PDJ Editor role profile

Applications should be made by CV and a covering letter addressing the requirements described in the role profile. This must be received by Friday 18 October 2024, addressed to Interviews will then be held.

There is no fixed term for the role, and it is intended that the successful candidate will be in place by December 2024. Initially this will be as Editor designate to work with the current Editor on the development of journal issues for publication in the second half of 2025.

Tags: CGDent / editor

Categories: News

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