Spotlight: Tariq Bashir
The co-founder of the Scottish Dental Study Club on repaying the sacrifices of his parents and his love of Dragons’ Den

What was your childhood, or earliest, ambition?
From as far back as I can remember I wanted to be a pilot. I have had a few flying lessons and hopefully can get back into it at some point and obtain my PPL [private pilot’s licence].
Ambition or talent: which matters more to success?
I don’t feel talent is anything without ambition. You need something to drive you. But then what is success?
What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?
Personally: I have two amazing boys with my wonderful wife. Last year was our 10th anniversary; credit to Saimah for keeping everything running and me in check! Professionally: I’m grateful for all my professional achievements, the most recent of which was gaining my Masters in Endo.
In another life, what job might you have chosen?
I was very close to studying medicine at university, and even had a place, but somehow decided dentistry was for me even though it was my second choice for UCAS!
Which professional figure do you most admire?
In terms of dentistry, it has to be Dr John Kois. I haven’t met anyone as humble and knowledgeable about dentistry and his passion for teaching is infectious. He is definitely a legend and I have been very fortunate to have spent time learning with him in Seattle.
Who are your heroes?
I would say my parents, as I now appreciate the sacrifices and hardships that they endured coming to a country they didn’t know. My dad worked seven days a week, 12-hour shifts-which wasn’t unusual for people of a similar background. Meanwhile, my mum brought up me and my four siblings. I find it challenging with just two kids!
What’s your biggest extravagance?
I love my cars and I think I have passed that on to my boys who are fascinated by supercars at the moment. My four-year-old is apparently saving up for a MacLaren!
In what place are you happiest?
Happiest with my family messing around, having a family movie night and get-togethers with the extended family.
What drives you on?
I always try and do my best at what I am doing otherwise what is the point? At school and university, I tried hard to ensure my parents’ efforts and sacrifices weren’t wasted. However, I am now part of a profession I really enjoy, and I always want to know everything I can. I love to learn, and I love to teach. Seeing my delegates grow and flourish is what drives me.
How physically fit are you?
Probably fitter than you think, but still can be a lot fitter! Started to do a bit of boxing recently and really enjoying it!
What would be your Mastermind specialist subject?
Capital cities – try me!
What TV show could you not live without?
Dragons’ Den, though I do wonder about some of the ideas people come up with! Maybe I should turn up with the Study Club idea!
Finally, 2020 was a challenging year; tell us about how you see 2021
I don’t think we can really plan too far ahead, and it just goes to show you, despite what we have planned, God has other plans! However, I really do hope and pray everything settles and we can start to get back to pre-COVID days soon. We had some exciting things planned for Scottish Dental Study Club in 2020, but hopefully we can reveal these this year!
About Tariq
Tariq Bashir graduated from University of Glasgow Dental School in 2005. After this he held SHO positions in hospitals throughout Scotland before settling at the Visage Cosmetic Dental Clinic in Glasgow. He has been the BACD Scotland representative for the last five years and also has sat on the BACD Education Committee. In 2018 he co-founded the popular Scottish Dental Study Club with his wife Saimah, bringing some of the top names in dentistry from the UK and around the world to Scotland.
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