Dentists step up demand for Scots-only regulator

Scottish survey found nine in 10 don’t believe the GDC is fit for purpose

29 September, 2015 / infocus

Demands for a break away independent Scots regulator have been reinforced by a new survey of dentists north of the border.

A Scottish Dental Practice Committee (SDPC) survey has revealed the extent of the crisis of confidence among Scottish GDPs in their professional regulator with nearly nine in 10 respondents saying that the General Dental Council (GDC) is not fit for purpose to regulate the dental team and protect patients.

In addition, more than 92 per cent of respondents have called on SDPC to increase its efforts to establish the Scots-only regulator by carrying out a formal investigation into the how it could be established.

Commenting on the survey results, SDPC Chair Robert Donald, said: “Scottish GDP’s have given an emphatic vote of no confidence in the GDC.

They know that they are being regulated by the worst health regulator in the UK. The GDC is responsible for regulating over 100,000 registrants including dentists and other dental care professionals. Those organisations representing patients should be concerned about the survey results and the implications of the PSA’s annual report.

My colleagues are fed up waiting for improvements to be made to address these serious failings and have given their representative committee a mandate to investigate establishing a Scottish based regulatory body which is fit for purpose.

We have today asked for an urgent meeting with the chief executive of the GDC and the Scottish health minister to discuss the survey’s findings.”

The findings come on the back of a number of serious failings raised about the GDC in the last few weeks. These include the Professional Standard Authority’s (PSA) assessment of the performance of the GDC in its most recent annual report.

The GDC failed to meet a total of seven of its standards of good regulation and only fully met one of the 10 standards on fitness to practice. In it’s assessment of nine healthcare regulators, the GDC came bottom of the league.

Other serious concerns have also been raised.

Take part in the next survey

Between 21 July and 21 August 2015, Scottish GDP’s were surveyed about their views on the GDC and whether SDPC should investigate establishing a Scotland based regulatory body.

A total of 541 GDPs responded, 46 per cent of those invited to participate.

88 per cent of those who responded believe the General Dental Council is not fit for purpose to regulate the dental team and protect patients.

92 per cent of respondents believed that SDPC should investigate establishing a Scotland based regulatory body which is fit for purpose.

The SDPC are now planning to carry out more GDP surveys and if GDPs wish to take part, they can add their name to the database by emailing Robert Donald at

Tags: GDC / General Dental Council / Scottish Dental Practice Committee / SDPC / survey

Categories: Magazine

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